Join dog guardians worldwide in The Dog Mom Society, the premier community for advanced insights into canine health & well-being.

Membership gives you access to renowned veterinarian Dr. Lynda Loudon and other top-tier canine health experts and trainers to guide you through advanced insights, habits, and strategies for building an extraordinary life with your loyal companion.

Inside the Dog mom Society, you'll learn the secrets to canine longevity, have access to powerful mastermind courses, participate in weekly coaching sessions, and grow alongside a private community of women just like you.


As a Dedicated Dog Guardian, You're At Risk for Receiving Harmful Medical Advice...

The immense pressure of caring for your dog, ensuring their safety, and fostering their vitality can be overwhelming.

Navigating through online forums, conflicting veterinarian opinions, and endless Google searches can leave you feeling frustrated.


Are You Tired of Conflicting Information?

  • Dry kibble is essential for oral health; the reality is it can lead to plaque and tooth decay due to carbohydrates sticking to teeth.
  • Multiple vaccines yearly are necessary; actually over-vaccination can result in immune-mediated disease, cancer, and chronic skin allergies.
  • Dogs should be "fixed' at 6 months of age; the truth is spaying & neutering dogs before 12 months increases risks for issues like osteoarthritis and cancer.
  • Canine allergies require chronic medications; these meds are bandaids that lead to an impaired immune system.
YES, I Need Clarity!

Visualize the empowering feeling of being fully equipped with the knowledge to make confident wellness decisions and the knowing that your beloved dog's life is secure in your hands. This decision today could mean more tomorrows with your loyal friend.

Heartfelt Testimonials

"Dr. Loudon has been incredibly helpful for me and my puppy. I’m so grateful for Dr. Loudon’s teachings."

- Brianna Bochelen

"Dr Loudon’s expertise combined with her calming, zen-like demeanor is just what my family needed to get our dog on the right track."

- Jill Bergson

"Through Dr. Loudon’s expertise and guidance, we were able to reverse the symptoms of our dog’s aggressive immune-mediated disease. "

- Jennifer Benvenuto


The Dog Mom Society Membership

In this membership you will get in-depth guidance on how to promote your dog's longevity and vitality through nutrition, safe preventative care, gut health, effective natural supplements and more. You will learn key insights into canine behavior to foster a deeper connection with your dog and unlock their full potential.

When You Join The Dog Mom Society, You'll Get...


Live Monthly, Online Trainings

Each month Dr. Loudon will teach a topic on canine health or behavior on a live zoom followed by a Q & A. Your questions, thoughts and feelings shared in the community will guide the topics each month. Guest experts such canine nutritionists, holistic veterinarians, behaviorists, trainers, canine communicators will join our zooms to share their incredible knowledge with us.


Weekly Coaching Sessions

Every single week you will receive live coaching from Dr. Loudon and other guest experts. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and gain insight on your own dog's health and behavior.


Unlock The Masterclass Vault Access to Exclusive teachings on canine health and behavior worth over $1,000 to elevate your knowledge and Fast track your growth.

As Bonuses You Will Receive These Courses...

Dog Mom Society Member Testimonials

"The Dog Mom Society has given me access to a wonderful Veterinarian that answers questions and shares her knowledge. This gives dog owners the tools to raise their dogs in a safe and holistic environment. I also enjoy and appreciate the community of likeminded dog owners. Their kindness and help continue to help me. I am so thankful for the Dog Mom Society." ~Ashley Pequignot

"As a PROUD member of the Dog Mom Society, I was instantly impressed with the information Dr. Loudon has provided to each and every one of our own dog's specific concerns. She goes above and beyond what I even hoped for. Her passion to help and to heal is inspiring."
~Debbie Moses

- Roger (New York, NY)

You may have seen her here...

Meet Dr. Lynda Loudon

As an emergency veterinarian with over 20 years of experience and a seasoned dog trainer for more than 40 years (I was 8 when I earned by first title on a dog), my life's work has revolved around understanding and enhancing the wellbeing of dogs.

And I'm just as passionate about assisting you, the devoted dog guardian. I have a deep understanding of your love for your dog and your desire to keep them healthy. My mission is to arm you with knowledge, enabling you to confidently show up as your dog's advocate.

I'll be your guide on a journey towards becoming the ultimate dog mom. Together, let's nurture our dogs' vitality and ensure they thrive for years to come.


The Dog Mom Society Is For...

  • Dog moms who seek the knowledge and clarity to make informed, smart decisions for her dog that lead to vitality, longevity and happiness.
  • Canine professionals who want to be able to guide their clients to the next level of health and wellbeing for their dogs.
  • Rescuers who want to master canine behavior and health in order to support the dogs who need it most and to guide their new guardians.
  • Responsible breeders who want to ensure their new puppy parents have the knowledge and tools necessary to keep their dogs safe and thriving.
  • Canine advocate who is ready to join the movement to improve canine well-being and ultimately help dogs live longer.

Dr. Loudon is clearly knowledgeable, and her approach is one of compassion and kindness.  I look forward to implementing some of the many strategies with some of my current and future pups.”

-Emily Roseman

"As a holistic Canine Nutritionist, it is very difficult for me to find a DVM I trust. Dr. Loudon helped me make informed decisions about our situation that left me knowing we were in excellent hands."

- Bronwyn Farley, CPN

For All Skill Levels

My live classes are for the dog moms who want to step up their canine knowledge to be the best guardians they can be and also for dog professionals who seek to elevate their expertise to help their clients on a higher level.

Based On Facts

My advice is based on over 20 years experience in evidence-based practices and scientific research. I don't give advice based on a whim or suspicion... I research it, I study it and I know it to be true based on my own years of practice. You can be sure that the information you learn with me is trustworthy.

Sneak Peak Into What You Will Learn...

Canine Nutrition

& Healthy Supplements

Strengthening Your Dog's Immune System

Key Insights Into Building A Powerful Bond

Natural Solutions to Preventative Medicinee

The Art of Playing With Your Dog

The Best Way To Provide Omega 3s

Interpreting Dog Barking and How to Respond

How To Cure Allergies From Within

Membership Summed Up:

  • Monthly live trainings ($375/mth value) from Dr. Loudon and guest canine experts
  • Weekly group coaching and Q & A sessions ($1000/mth value)
  • One-on-One Canine Spotlight each month worth ($500/mth value)
  • BONUS!  Access to Dr.Loudon's exclusive library of canine masterclasses valued at over $1,000
  • BONUS!  Natural Flea & Tick Prevention Course ($97 value)
  • BONUS!  The Dog Safety Course ($197 value)
  • BONUS!  The 20 Words Your Dog Needs To Know Right Now ($97 value)

A value of over $15,500 per year.

Just $325/year (one month free) or monthly for $29.99/mth.


What Could Happen If You Don't Join

  • You may find yourself ill-prepared to make vital decisions when an emergency health crisis occurs for your dog.
  • You could spend thousands of dollars on vet care treating problems that could have been prevented with proper nutrition, immune support and limiting toxins.
  • The conflicting canine health advice will continue to be a point of confusion and frustration.
  • You may unwittingly make a medical decision for your dog that could ultimately harm them.
  • Your dog could develop behavioral issues because you unknowingly used a damaging training technique.
  • You'll miss the chance to connect with this incredible group of like-minded women who have a similar passion and understanding of your love for dogs.

This is an investment into peace of mind that you are making the right decisions for your dog's health and behavior with a goal of more time with them by your side.

A Word From Dr. Loudon

I know first hand the profound impact a dog can have on a person and their family. Dogs elevate the joy of our days and lead us to better versions of ourselves.

As both an ER vet and home euthanasia vet, I've witnessed animals' lives being cut short due to misdiagnoses and harmful medical treatments. It breaks my heart knowing that if they had met me just weeks earlier I could have extended their dog's lives. That is why I created this much-needed community.

Empowerment begins with knowledge. In our Dog Mom Society, learning to safeguard your dog from misguided medical advice is a vital act of love and responsibility. Together, let's prioritize their well-being through informed decisions. It's time to take control of your dog's future.